вівторок, 30 грудня 2014 р.

His story, Her story

Dear students!

In this post, you will find resources for the topic "History and Historic figures. Peace and war issues, control and power."

Here's the vocabulary for this unit:

The task for the blog:

Think of an important event (conflict, discovery, victory etc.), phenomenon (civil movement, suffrage, development in a certain sphere, e.g. Industrial revolution  etc.) or a historic figure that is particulary interesting for you. In your post (200-250 words) describe why you are interested in the chosen event, phenomenon or a person. Present important details (at least 6) in a timeline (using this tool: http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/timeline_2/) and paste it in your blog.

A very rough example:

  Good luck!

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